We Handle Questions
..being interrupted by questions and objections during your presentation?
..not knowing which of your audience members raised their hand first?
..not being able to call on your audience members by name?
The hand signs are displayed in the order in which they are received. In this way you achieve the greatest possible fairness in the participation of your audience.
Each hand message is personalised - so you can address your audience directly and personally. The personal interaction makes your presentation unique.
With shoushi, your listeners can raise their hands unobtrusively without interrupting your presentation. They can focus their full attention on you and your content.
Create your account in a flash.
Create a room for your event.
Share the access code with your audience.
I am a mother of 3 children, wife of a primary school principle and run my own hairdressing salon together with a great team. Inspired by my husband, I came up with the idea of developing Shoushi. My experience from my everyday life and working in my salon shows me again and again that the simple things are often the things that help us the most and take us further. With Shoushi, we have created a digital hand sign that can be used quickly and easily by all kinds of people all over the world. The aim was to improve communication at events attended by large numbers of people. The focus is still on social interaction and maintaining empathy. Thanks to Shoushi, I can test the latest hairdryer at a trade fair stand as soon as it’s my turn, without wasting time queuing. My son can raise his digital hand, ask his question in class and still get on with his work. For my husband, Shoushi allows him to finish his presentation in peace during meetings without being disturbed by questions or interjections. Shoushi combines everything we need to optimise personal interaction.
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